MultiConnexions would like to wish all those celebrating a very happy Eid! May the Eid al-Fitr celebrations bring you enjoyment, happiness, and blessings. In this MultiConnexions blog, we break down some must-know information about Eid and Muslims in Australia and highlight the growing opportunity for Australian marketers.
What is it?
Eid Al Fitr (or Eid Ul Fitr) marks the end of Ramadan – the month-long period of fasting and prayer. Eid Al Fitr means ‘festival to break the fast’.
When is it?
Eid begins at the first sight of a new moon after the month of Ramadan. This year, it is expected to fall on the 12th of May, 2021.
Who celebrates?
More than 600,000 Muslim Australians (or 2.6 per cent of the total Australian population) will be celebrating Eid al-Fitr, along with an estimated 1.8 billion Muslims around the world (Pew Research). Australian Muslims come from 63 different cultural backgrounds.
Where do Australia’s Muslim communities reside?
According to our most recent Census in Australia, of the 600,000 plus Muslims in Australia around 42 per cent live in Greater Sydney, 31 per cent in Greater Melbourne, and 8 per cent in Greater Perth.
Melbourne’s Australian Muslims live primarily in and around Broadmeadows, (mostly Turkish), Coburg, Brunswick, and Epping (mostly Lebanese) and a few in the outer southern suburbs such as Noble Park and Dandenong (mainly Bosnian).
How do they celebrate?
Eid Al Fitr is seen as a time to rejoice with family and friends and start afresh. It is not only a time of celebration, but a time for prayer, food, festivities, charity, and blessings.
Muslims will put on their best (and preferably new) clothes and gather to celebrate. Salons are hopping at this time of year in Muslim-majority places.
Eid is a time of plenty, as well as indulging in food (especially sweets). It is common for people to purchase and gift items such as new clothes, money, technology, and accessories (especially to children). Spending in many sectors tends to spike as people prepare to welcome friends and family in their homes (and in restaurants/ leisure destinations).
Why is it important for Australian marketers?
Globally, it is estimated that Muslim spend on food and beverage is around $A2.7 trillion, travel $A350 billion, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics products $A305 billion and clothing $A530 billion.
1 – This segment is large. It is the second largest religious grouping in Australia.
2 – This segment is growing. There was an increase of over 15 per cent in the number of Muslims in Australia between our last two Census.
3 – This segment is receptive. Cultural festivals are typically a time when multicultural audiences are more receptive to marketing and goodwill messages. Research indicates 78 per cent of Muslims would like brands to engage with them during Ramadan and Eid.
4 – This segment is untapped. Woefully untapped. Wander through any store from as early as September in Australia and you will be slapped in the face by Christmas-themed products, music, and gifts yet many continue to overlook this important consumer group and the opportunity to engage.
The good news is, getting started is easy. Contact MultiConnexions for further information on Ramadan marketing.
For further information on Ramadan and Eid, please do check out our blog Fasting, giving, and spending.