The Salvation Army Australia Eva Burrows Award Presented to Sheba Nandkeolyar

The Salvation Army Australia

Eva Burrows Award

Presented to Sheba Nandkeolyar
For your dedicated and loyal service to The Salvation Army. Sheba Nandkeolyar, a passionate advocate for The Salvation Army and its mission to transform the lives of people who are struggling, is a champion of diversity. As the Founder and CEO of the MultiConnexions Group, Sheba has personally spearheaded the multicultural launch of the Red Shield Appeal for the past 20 years. MultiConnexions, now Australia’s leading multicultural marketing company, takes this on as a voluntary initiative. As a result, millions of dollars in publicity have been generated through Australia’s multicultural media at no cost to The Salvation Army. Donating to the Red Shield Appeal has been made accessible to people of non-English speaking backgrounds Australia-wide. Today, we recognize and celebrate this outstanding achievement.

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