Dear Dad

Since I was little, you taught me the importance of travel.

You took my tiny hand and led me all over the world, and I followed you wide-eyed, in awe.

You instilled in me a love of travel, a love of other cultures and new places.

You introduced me to different ways of life, languages and customs in my childhood.

You challenged me by putting me in different situations, urging me to grow and learn.

You taught me that spending money on experiences always beats material things.

You encouraged me to respect and appreciate the world’s variety – values I hold with me today.

Precious few are lucky enough to learn about other cultures. Fewer still are lucky enough to be able to travel around the world. Even fewer do it when they are young! I am incredibly grateful that you valued these gifts of experiences enough to give them me.

As I grew older, I began to understand that experiencing the world and the many different destinations and cultures within it isn’t a gift that all parents are able to, or choose to, give their children (although I wish it could be).

In a world with so much darkness, prejudice, misinformation and even racism, I thank you for setting a positive example for me by teaching me curiosity and respect for other cultures. This enriches my life on a daily basis. Today, I am fortunate to have friends from all around the world and work in a company with so many great people who feel the same way, and are paving the way to greater cultural understanding every day.

You worked incredibly hard so that I could experience all these things, and for that I want to say thank you.

Happy Father’s Day, dad!

Your grateful daughter,


This blog was written by Katrina – MultiConnexions PR and Social Media Manager.

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